ABA Services

Our Services

Early Intensive Behavioral Treatment Training (EIBTT)

Early Intensive Behavioral Treatment training is a comprehensive model that targets communication, cognitive, adaptive, social emotional, gross motor (fine motor) domains and problem behaviors for individuals ranging between the ages of 18 months to 6 years. However, the recommendations for this program will depend on the client’s need for treatment which is determined after the initial assessment.

The recommended treatment hours are typically between 20-40 hours per week of direct treatment and are delivered by 2 or more technicians. Additionally, parent involvement is a critical component within the treatment model and may include, but is not limited to: participation within treatment, training and implementation of basic ABA principles.

The overall goal is to decrease problem behaviors (e.g., tantrums), increase age appropriate behaviors (e.g., communication, play skills) and develop skills (e.g., problem solving, perspective taking) appropriate for your child’s growth to increase independence within the home.

Functional Adaptive Training (FAS)

Functional Adaptive Services is a comprehensive model that targets teaching communication, social emotional, adaptive, cognitive, physical development and problem behaviors for individuals between the ages of 4 to 14 years.

The recommended treatment hours for this program typically range between 10-20 hours per week of direct treatment and is delivered by at least one technician.  

The primary focus of this program is to increase skills for the individual to expand independence within their home and community. Therefore, parent involvement is essential and may include, but is not limited to: participation within the treatment, training and implementation on clinical recommendations and procedures (e.g., ABA principles, behavior reduction plans) outside of treatment hours.



Parent Training Services

Parent Training Services is direct training provided by your BCBA or BCaBA with or without your child present. The Parent Training Model is designed to provide parents with the necessary skills to address the following areas; reducing problem behaviors (e.g., tantrums), increasing age appropriate behaviors (i.e., communication, coping skills), skill development (e.g., self-management systems), and use of reinforcement within your home and the environment.  

The recommended treatment hours for this program vary on case by case basis depending on the parent's needs.

The Parent Training Model focuses on increasing your child’s overall level of functioning and independence within the home and community settings. Goals are developed with the parents in order to ensure that both the parents and child are benefiting from services. Lastly, within the Parent Training Model, it is imperative that recommendations are implemented and maintained across settings and caregivers.